Launched in 2020 amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, Breeze co-organized Germantown Together, a group of volunteers committed to serving our community members in need. This action group was initiated in response to Covid-19 anticipating an increased need at our local food bank. Volunteers are organizing to increase awareness and support for the pantry through monetary donations, food donations, and labor to help bring food and essential products to more people in need. Additionally, the group of volunteers are working together to support other initiatives such as: prescription refilling, grocery shopping, picking up essentials, as well as imagining ways to help build a resilient and regenerative care system in our place that continues past the pandemic.
2016-2020, Breeze founded and directed Instar Lodge, an unusual and spectacular artists space. Instar Lodge was situated in the charming hamlet of Germantown, New York, in a historic Odd Fellows hall. Its mission was to inspire creativity, courage, and community through the arts. Instar offered provocative and inspiring programing to the community with a focus on supporting women and mother artists. View more on Instagram
An public-art project that mapped individuals unique experiences with solitude in nature through their personal digital uploads and hand-drawn and written responses, Wayfinding Story began October, 2016 at Olana State Historic Site in Hudson, New York. Wayfinding Story was funded by a de-centralization grant from the New York State Council on the Arts administered through the Green County Council on the Arts, with matching support from the Olana Partnership and Olana State HIstoric Site. Learn more here.
Breeze posted these three question as an anonymous online survey in the spring of 2015. The surprising answers prompted a social artwork that included collaborating with an herb farm, growing and giving away medicine plants, gathering hundreds of in-person responses, and planting healing gardens. Learn more here: